Blood Of Kings

Blood Of Kings

Blood Of Kings

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Stephanie Hudson continues to bewitch readers with her third installment in the Transfusion series, “Blood Of Kings.” In this enthralling narrative, our audacious protagonist embarks on an unexpected journey where love, danger, and the supernatural intertwine, offering readers a roller-coaster of emotions and adventures that are as unpredictable as they are captivating.

Amelia, the story’s fearless lead, could have chosen a tranquil life, one devoid of chaos and supernatural entanglements. However, her decisions lead her down a path fraught with danger and allure, from stealing a perilous artifact from a Vampire King to engaging in combat with mercenaries in Germany. In the midst of these perilous ventures, Amelia not only grapples with external threats but also navigates the stormy seas of her own emotions, succumbing to a love as enchanting and treacherous as the night.


The Vampire King remains a figure of magnetic allure, a being of power and hidden depths that continue to draw Amelia—and the readers—into his dark embrace. Their love story evolves, oscillating between tender moments and bouts of intensity that reflect the dynamic and often hazardous world they inhabit. Hudson skillfully crafts a relationship that is as complex and multifaceted as the characters themselves, painting a portrait of love that is as intoxicating as it is perilous.

Hudson’s writing style once again shines through, seamlessly blending humor, romance, and dark fantasy to create a tale that is as amusing as it is thrilling. Amelia’s voice, imbued with wit and resilience, guides readers through a narrative where laughter can swiftly turn into gasps of surprise, and moments of levity are shadowed by impending danger.

“Blood Of Kings” stands as a testament to Hudson’s mastery in weaving a tale that is as heart-pounding as it is heartwarming. Readers are bound to be gripped by the unfolding drama, the escalating stakes, and the magnetic pull between Amelia and the Vampire King, all set against a backdrop that is as fantastical as it is menacing. As the saga continues, fans of the series can anticipate more twists and turns, more romance and danger, and more of Hudson’s signature storytelling that makes the Transfusion series an unforgettable experience.

Blood Of Kings

Amelia… So, there were many things I could have done differently. I could have gone on a cruise and forget about stealing a killer box from a Vampire King. I could have shaved my head and become a Tibetan monk. I could have also lost my virginity to some nice Texas cowboy who wanted to introduce me to his mother. But instead, I went to Germany and ended up fighting Mercenaries. I also fell in love with a Vampire King who claimed me as his. And now I’m in the river and all because I decided not to just stay home and do my laundry. No instead… I shot a pilot.