Knights of Past

Knights of Past

Knights of Past

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Stephanie Hudson’s “Knights of Past,” the thirteenth entry in the mesmerizing Transfusion Series, is an intoxicating blend of dark fantasy, mystery, and vampire romance that seamlessly carries readers through an exhilarating tale brimming with danger and passion.

The novel opens with a semblance of peace having finally graced the land, with the echoes of victorious war cries reverberating through the formidable realm of Hell. Amelia, our fearless protagonist, envisions a serene life ahead, immersing herself in the comforting trivialities of Lego and Star Trek, all while basking in the love of her King, Lucius.


However, the whimsical threads of fate weave a different narrative, thrusting Amelia into the shadows of haunting nightmares and unfathomable decisions. The ominous presence of the Wraith Master casts a lingering pall, embodying the chilling dreams and the solemn vow Amelia is bound to. She finds herself on the precipice of decision, torn between the allure of tranquil days and the daunting path of a solemn promise made in the yesteryears.

The narrative unfurls with Amelia’s anguishing decision, a promise that could catapult her into territories unknown and dangers unprecedented. Even the formidable Lucius, her lover and ally, might not wield the power to extract her from the ensuing peril, especially when lines blur and the lover transforms into an adversary.

“Knights of Past” is a tapestry of tension, allure, and the unending battle between love and duty. Stephanie Hudson masterfully navigates through the intricate lanes of fantasy, embedding each page with suspense that grips and romance that enthralls. The novel intricately explores the duality of love and obligation, painting a vivid picture of the struggle between personal desires and promises etched in the sands of time.

Hudson’s prose is eloquent, crafting a story that is as enchanting as it is thrilling. Each character is meticulously developed, with Amelia continuing to evolve as a beacon of strength and vulnerability. Lucius, too, is depicted with layers that unveil as the tale progresses, rendering a character that is complex and irresistibly engaging.

For fans of the series, “Knights of Past” offers a continuation of the saga that has consistently delivered excitement and emotion in equal measure. It is a beckoning portal into a realm of fantasy, where love, danger, and promises intertwine to craft a narrative that is hauntingly beautiful and relentlessly captivating.

In sum, “Knights of Past” is a stellar addition to the Transfusion Series, a novel that promises and delivers a reading experience that is thrilling, romantic, and absolutely unforgettable. With Hudson at the helm, readers are guaranteed a journey through the fantastical that will linger long after the final page is turned.

Knights of Past

The dust of Battle has settled over the Land.
War cries of victory are Echoed throughout Hell.
And now I can get back to my life of Lego and Star Trek,
With one big difference,
I now have a King to share it with.

But it seems as if Fate had a different idea for me,
And any plans for peace are shattered with the strength of my dreams,
Nightmares of one last foe I must face.
For the Wraith Master still haunts me and the vow I made even more so.

Now I must choose to walk the path of peace,
or the path of a promise once made.
A promise that will lead me to a place unknown,
One not even Lucius can save me from.
Not when he is the enemy.
In this,
Knights of Past.