Rise Of Ashes

Rise Of Ashes

Rise Of Ashes

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In “Rise Of Ashes,” the fourth intriguing installment in the Transfusion series by Stephanie Hudson, readers are once again invited into a mesmerizing world of dark fantasy and vampire romance that is as thrilling as it is addictive. Hudson skillfully continues the tale of Amelia, a strong and endearing protagonist whose life has been utterly transformed by her entanglement with the enigmatic Vampire King.

Amelia’s life, once filled with the simple pleasures of junk food, Star Trek, and the comfort of pajamas, has been irrevocably changed. Now, her days are marked by adrenaline-pumping chases, confrontations with dangerous supernatural beings, and battles against forces that threaten the stability of the vampire realm itself. Amidst the perilous adventures, there are moments of humor and beauty, like a date adorned in a beautiful dress, though even these instances are tinged with the anticipation of danger lurking around the corner.


Hudson crafts an engaging narrative where action, romance, and dark fantasy collide. Amelia, with her resilience and witty charm, navigates through a series of challenges, from dealing with hellhounds to thwarting the plans of malevolent witches. Each page is imbued with a sense of urgency and excitement as Amelia not only fights for her life but also grapples with the complex emotions that come with being claimed by the Vampire King.

The relationship between Amelia and the Vampire King continues to evolve, providing readers with a love story that is as intense and fiery as the battles that unfold. Their connection is palpable, filled with tension and passion, making readers invested in their romance and eager to see how their story progresses amidst the chaos that surrounds them.

“Rise Of Ashes” is an enthralling read, seamlessly blending elements of action, humor, and romance within a dark and fantastical setting. Hudson’s writing is sharp and engaging, drawing readers into a narrative that is impossible to put down. For fans of the Transfusion series, this book is another thrilling ride through a world where love is as dangerous and alluring as the vampires that inhabit it.

With each book, Hudson deepens the lore of her universe, crafting a series that is as compelling as it is entertaining. “Rise Of Ashes” is undoubtedly a must-read for those who have been following Amelia’s journey and for readers who enjoy romance with a dark and fantastical twist.


Rise Of Ashes


Lego sets, Star Trek and junk food in my pajamas,
These used to be how I would spend my safe and lazy days off.
Now, what am I doing with my time…?
High-speed chases, running from Hellhounds, fighting witches, opening boxes that
threaten the entire Vampire race, and stabbing bitches with my shoes.

But hey, at least I get to wear a pretty dress on my date.
Now all I can hope for is that it isn’t one where people end up shooting at us again.
That would be nice.

And all this was because I fell in love with a Vampire King. A Vampire King, who claimed me.