Seeded By Two

Seeded By Two

Seeded By Two

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Seeded by Two is the third installment in Tammy Walsh’s Claimed By Two series, and it continues to build on the themes of desire, destiny, and the complex relationships between human females and their alien mates in a futuristic setting. This novel delves deeper into the intricacies of power, trust, and the uncertainty of identity, while still delivering the intense romance and passionate encounters that fans of the series expect.

The plot of Seeded by Two follows a familiar but intriguing trajectory: a human female, eager to conceive in a world where natural reproduction is no longer possible, enters the alien seeding program. She is matched with a powerful and exotic alien male who is not only her mate but also the heir to the Krev throne. The twist in this story comes when a rival, Krev, appears, claiming to be the real prince. This development introduces a layer of suspense and tension as the protagonist must navigate the dangerous waters of deception and power plays while figuring out who she can truly trust.


The pacing of the novel is generally well-executed, with a steady build-up of tension as the mystery surrounding the true identity of the prince unfolds. Walsh balances the romantic and erotic elements of the story with the plot, ensuring that neither overshadows the other. The introduction of the rival Krev keeps the narrative dynamic and prevents the story from becoming too predictable, which is a strength of this installment.

Character development in Seeded by Two is centered around the protagonist and her two potential mates. The protagonist is portrayed as a strong-willed and determined woman, characteristics that have likely drawn her to this point in the series. Her internal conflict between her physical desires and her need for emotional security and trust adds depth to her character. She isn’t just a passive participant in the events around her; she actively questions and challenges the situations she finds herself in, which makes her a relatable and compelling character.

The two Krev males are well-drawn, with distinct personalities that create an interesting dynamic. The first mate, the apparent heir to the Krev throne, embodies strength, confidence, and a sense of duty, which initially makes him the perfect partner for the protagonist. However, his mysterious rival adds complexity, challenging both the protagonist’s and the reader’s perceptions of who he truly is. This rivalry forces the characters to evolve, making their interactions richer and more nuanced.

However, one potential weakness in the character development is that the rival Krev’s motivations could have been explored more deeply. While the conflict he introduces is engaging, his backstory and reasons for claiming the throne could have been fleshed out further to make him a more three-dimensional character.

Tammy Walsh’s writing style remains consistent with the previous books in the series—direct, vivid, and focused on delivering a balance between romance and plot. Her descriptions of the passionate encounters between the characters are detailed and intense, creating an immersive experience for readers who enjoy steamy romance. These scenes are balanced by moments of introspection and tension, which prevent the book from becoming solely about physical relationships.

That being said, some readers might find the repetitive structure of the protagonist’s physical and emotional responses to the aliens a bit formulaic. Phrases like “when they touch me, I yearn for more” and similar expressions are repeated frequently, which might detract from the uniqueness of each intimate moment. While this style resonates with fans of the genre, a bit more variety in the expression of emotions could add freshness to the writing.

The recurring themes of destiny, desire, and trust are central to Seeded by Two. The concept of fated mates, symbolized by the sacred Joisa tattoo, adds a mystical element to the story that continues to be a strong thematic thread throughout the series. This idea of destiny intertwines with the protagonist’s journey of self-discovery as she learns more about her desires and the hidden secrets of her mates.

Trust is another significant theme in this installment, particularly given the plot twist involving the rival Krev. The protagonist’s struggle to discern the truth and decide whom to trust speaks to broader themes of loyalty, deception, and the risks inherent in intimate relationships. This exploration of trust adds depth to the narrative and elevates it beyond a simple romance.


  • Engaging Plot: The twist involving the rival Krev adds suspense and keeps the narrative dynamic.
  • Character Dynamics: The tension between the two alien males creates a compelling love triangle with emotional and psychological depth.
  • Balanced Pacing: The story maintains a good balance between romance, plot development, and suspense, keeping the reader engaged throughout.


  • Repetitive Expressions: Some of the romantic and emotional language is repetitive, which could detract from the uniqueness of each moment.
  • Underdeveloped Rival: While the rival Krev adds intrigue, his backstory and motivations could have been explored more deeply to enhance his role in the story.

Seeded by Two is a strong addition to the Claimed By Two series, offering an intriguing mix of romance, suspense, and sci-fi elements. Tammy Walsh effectively balances the steamy, passionate encounters with a plot that keeps readers guessing. The protagonist’s journey of trust and self-discovery is relatable and engaging, while the dynamic between the two Krev males adds depth to the romantic tension.

While the book could benefit from a more varied emotional expression and a deeper exploration of the rival’s character, it still delivers a satisfying and exciting read for fans of the genre. Readers who enjoy sci-fi romance with elements of mystery and intense chemistry between characters will likely find this book an enjoyable continuation of the series.

Seeded By Two