The Hot Mess and the Heartthrob

the hot mess and the heartthrob

The Hot Mess and the Heartthrob

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“The Hot Mess and the Heartthrob” by Pippa Grant is a delightful conclusion to the beloved Bro Code series, wrapping up with a tale that combines humor, heart, and the unpredictable chaos of single parenthood with the glittering allure of celebrity romance. Grant’s hallmark wit and warmth shine brightly in this standalone novel, offering readers a perfect blend of laughter, love, and those irresistibly sweet moments that define the best of romantic comedies.

The story introduces us to Levi Wilson, a pop star at the zenith of his career, who unexpectedly finds himself enchanted not by the glamorous world he inhabits but by a woman who represents everything real and beautifully chaotic about life. This woman, the “neighborhood hot mess single mom” running a small bookstore, becomes the center of Levi’s universe from the moment he steps into her shop to rescue his nephew from a marble-up-the-nose crisis.


Grant’s portrayal of the protagonist, a sassy single mom doing her utmost to juggle life’s challenges, resonates with authenticity and grit. Her encounters with Levi Wilson, marked by an initial mortification that quickly gives way to a deeper, more meaningful connection, are both humorous and heartwarming. The narrative voice, rich with self-deprecation and sharp wit, invites readers into her world with an openness that is both engaging and refreshing.

Levi Wilson, in contrast to the typical celebrity heartthrob, is depicted with depth and sensitivity. His attraction to the protagonist and her chaotic family life offers a compelling exploration of what it means to find home and purpose beyond the spotlight’s glare. Grant navigates Levi’s journey with a deft touch, balancing his superstar persona with his genuine longing for connection and belonging.

The proposition of a no-strings fling serves as the catalyst for a series of events that unfold with humor, warmth, and a dash of the unexpected. Grant excels in creating scenarios that are outrageously funny yet grounded in the realities of single parenthood, from interrupted bathroom moments to the everyday adventures of raising three spirited children.

What sets “The Hot Mess and the Heartthrob” apart is its ability to weave moments of raw emotion and vulnerability into the fabric of its comedy. The evolving relationship between Levi and the family he never knew he needed is crafted with care, ensuring that each character’s growth and the deepening of their bonds feel earned and real.

“The Hot Mess and the Heartthrob” is a triumphant addition to the Bro Code series, capturing the essence of romantic comedy with its blend of laugh-out-loud humor, genuine emotion, and characters that leap off the page and into readers’ hearts. Pippa Grant delivers a story that is both a thrilling escape and a tender reminder of the unexpected ways love can find us, complete with a happily-ever-after that leaves no doubt as to the power of family, love, and a little bit of chaos. For fans of contemporary romance looking for their next read to be filled with both giggles and sighs, this book is a must-read.

The Hot Mess and the Heartthrob

He could have the world, yet he's looking at me like I am his world.

You don’t know me, but you do know me. I’m your neighborhood hot mess single mom, doing my best to keep my head above water while running my little slice of heaven and keeping my youngest from shoving marbles up his nose, which is exactly what he’s doing the first time Levi Wilson, pop star god, world’s sexiest man, and my all-time number one celebrity obsession, walks into my bookstore.

Related: I’m writing this from beyond the grave, because I’ve died of mortification and am now residing in an alternate universe. I have to be. Because Levi Wilson came back. And we had a moment.

Like, a moment moment. The kind that makes me remember that adult pleasure isn’t all about hoping the lock holds in the bathroom so your kids don’t interrupt on the rare occasion you feel like taking an extra-long mommy-time shower.

So when he proposes a no-strings fling? Count. Me. In. Thrill of a lifetime, right? Surely, nothing will go wrong...